Jennifer Harvey Sallin is a psychologist specializing in high intelligence, and the founding director of an international community and support organization for gifted adults: In addition to her work in this field, she applies her expertise in the areas of ecological intelligence, climate psychology, leadership and activism, collaborating with and training gifted leaders and activists around the world.

Self-kindness for Life Balance

I often work with clients who want better life balance – better balance between work, personal, and family priorities. Difficulty with this issue could perhaps best be titled the “Syndrome of Too Many Priorities,” and I try to help clients resolve the dilemma by teaching them to practice regular questioning, self-honesty and self-kindness. How do these practices help restore life balance?

Dr. Hawkins and a Map of Consciousness

Dr. David R. Hawkins was a Spiritual Teacher, Consciousness Researcher, and Psychiatrist whose work changed, and continues to positively influence, my life. Before I discovered his work, I felt stuck, trying to evolve in a world of people that “didn’t understand me” (or so I thought). With his insight, I was able to finally take charge of my own future.

Switching Time: The Power of The Mind

I spent last summer in America and one of my favorite things to do whenever I’m there is listen to audio books – there’s such an amazing selection of audio books in English.  During that period, I was deeply involved in my studies of neuroscience, brain plasticity, and the power of the mind in trauma and…

“Tension in Your Consciousness”: The Key to Healing

I just returned from a week-long conference with my husband in the lost mountains where Switzerland borders France and Italy. The subject of the conference: Healing.  Our instructor for the week: Martin Brofman, PhD, founder of the Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing and The Body Mirror System of Healing. According to Brofman, he…

“Respect the Symptom”

Respect the Symptom: This was one of the four basic teachings of child psychologist and author Bruno Bettelheim.  I start here, just having finished a first reading of psychiatrist and author Elio Frattaroli’s challenging and necessary book Healing the Soul in the Age of the Brain: Becoming Conscious in an Unconscious World (2001).  In it, Frattaroli recounts, among other…