What is Giftedness?
Giftedness is a mind construction – a way we take in the world, perceive and organize it. That construction is statistically uncommon, in terms of speed, complexity and intensity, and many gifted people don’t recognize they are gifted because they think everyone else is like them. The way a gifted person expresses their giftedness depends on many factors, such as type (intellectual only, or intellectual plus emotional, creative, and so on), level (mild, moderate, high, exceptional or profound), presence of other challenges (such as learning disabilities or neurological abnormalities), and the amount of support, recognition, appreciation and mirroring they’ve had in their lives. In other words, giftedness does not always look the same and is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Each gifted person’s mind comes with its own unique challenges and opportunities, and that’s what we help our gifted clients to embrace and constructively co-create with in their lives!
About Jennifer & Michelle

Jennifer Harvey Sallin
Psychologist, Coach, Trainer & Advocate
Jennifer’s work is dedicated to supporting gifted adults in their gifted-specific self-development. She has created a holistic model of giftedness which she uses to assess and guide gifted adults on their gifted self-discovery and self-leadership journeys. Since 2015, she directs InterGifted, the organization she founded to provide uplifting gifted community, gifted-specific courses and an extended network of support and resources for gifted adults. Via InterGifted, she provides professional training for therapists, coaches and other helping professionals on gifted-specific psychology. She also provides leadership development mentoring for gifted leaders. In addition to her gifted-specific work, she is also deeply engaged in ecological and climate leadership, via her I Heart Earth project. She is based in Switzerland and supports adults throughout the world.
Michelle Quarton
Life Coach & Mediator
Michelle is an award-winning life coach and mediator based in Oakland County, Michigan, USA. She provides strategies and guidance to businesses and individuals, and specializes in working with couples and families in crisis. Michelle has been in practice for more than 20 years. Her practice includes extensive work with children, adolescents, and adults.