Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 course was truly transformational! I signed up hoping to come out with a solid understanding of how the gifted mind works. I came out with this and so much more! Jen designed this course brilliantly, each module professionally and thoughtfully crafted and supplemented with recommendations of the most life-changing books and resources I’ve ever read. I am grateful that Jen adapted to my specific needs and offered a creative one-on-one learning option for me. This flexibility, combined with Jen’s compassion, knowledge and deep insight instilled in me a sense of safety, trust and freedom to express myself authentically. I was able to explore and integrate the course material at a depth, pace and level of complexity that matched my drive and learning style – so refreshing! I completed GP101 feeling more enlightened as an individual, a future coach, and as a parent. Thank you Jen!
Jen’s GIfted Psychology 101 course is the psychology short course that I never even knew I needed and wanted. As a profoundly gifted individual who was not identified till her 30s, I always thought I was intellectually challenged but now I understand that it’s all in the course design and delivery. The GP101, as it is fondly known by its students, is jam-packed with content yet taught with the meta-perspective that all gifted people crave. GP101 has been invaluable in preparing and training me as a new coach for the challenging yet amazing psychological intensities and complexities of working with gifted, twice- and multi-exceptional adults. Yet it was also highly transformative on a personal level as well, for as we all know, in order to execute one’s role as a coach well, one must also do the work on oneself and this course has definitely given me greater insight into not only my own development and processes, past and present, but also opens a window towards cultivating greater understanding and
compassion for all of humanity, in all its diversity. Thank you Jennifer!
Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 course for coaches offers an extensive and in-depth look at core components of practical psychology, highlights where and how giftedness changes the picture, and shows how it all relates to coaching. The course work also provides plenty of recommended reading for further studies on your own. My knowledge of giftedness, psychology and coaching has increased manifold – I now feel many times more competent and comfortable in my role as philosophical coach.
…And that was the professional side of things. For as it happens, during this past year of Psych 101, I seem to have undergone a complete, personal transformation. I’ve read some of the most life-transforming books I’ve ever read. The homework included some of the most important psychological work I’ve ever done – for me, personally. As friend, partner, parent. And just for how I wake up in the morning, welcome the day and what it brings, and then welcome the night when its time to sleep. I feel “upgraded”, if that makes sense. I’d do it all again, any day.
I have done the assessment session with Jennifer. This was an amazing experience to connect with such a beautiful person. Many things were going through my mind and I was still having so many questions after my discovery of giftedness a few years ago. Something was suddenly making some sense… I recently stumbled upon the difference that being highly gifted also brings into the mix. Jen was able to provide confirmation, comfort, advice and guidance that will change the way I will see and organize my life forever. I felt at home. I cannot thank you enough for these two hours that changed my perception of life. I would recommend the assessment session to anyone who would like to better understand how giftedness has influenced and shaped their life. Thanks Jen!
Jen’s time management course for gifted people really changed things for me. The awareness I gained about how I used my time, and how that did or didn’t match up with my values and goals caused a major shift in my mindset. It went beyond simply being more productive, or working on creative pursuits, to focusing on creating a conscious construction of yourself. Feeling aligned with yourself is where the opportunity to create productivity comes in. It’s not necessarily about the goal itself, it is about about your values. I also needed someone to tell me that it’s okay to spend time dreaming. I’ve always been so ambitious, setting my life up before it is headed anywhere. When Jen emphasized the fact that I need to give myself the space to dream about the possibilities, that encouraged me to “breathe” a little more and made me even more excited to be where I am. I also thought about the people I choose to spend my time with; the time I spend alone doing things that I maybe didn’t see as productive before, but now understand their importance much more. I have changed a lot already and am excited to see where this continues to take me.
Jen’s time management course for gifted people helped me understand that time management is not about doing more in less time, but about taking the time to do things without stress and while being aware of what I am doing. I tend to stress out a lot and load my agenda, postpone sports, cleaning and taking rest in favor of work and productivity. What I sort of neglected was that the more I work, the less productive I become. This course helped me analyze my work pattern and understand how to shift tasks to better suit my natural personality. Of course, implementing all aspects learned goes far beyond the course and still after the course, I am reminding myself to do things differently. I do not want to miss out anymore on the amount of information that I learned when analyzing myself throughout the course. Many thanks, Jen!
Jen’s time management course for gifted people goes way beyond simple time management techniques. It allows profound self-reflection and group sharing on the aspects of ourselves and our lives which make it challenging to manage our professional and personal responsibilities. Included are identifying our needs, rhythms, personality style, letting go, and going to the essential. It has been the best self-development course I’ve taken – one from which I have seen a clear “before” and “after” in my life!